Selasa, 29 April 2014

Do These Images Prove That Time Travel Really Exists?

1. Evidence on a Chinese Tomb

Chinese archaeologists, in December 2008, found a small metal piece shaped like a watch, in a coffin that had been undisturbed for 400 years. The time on the watch was frozen at 10:06 and engraved on its back was the word ‘Swiss”.
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It’s hard to explain the watch’s existence since the tomb was undisturbed for all those years, unless of course a time traveler left it there.

2. Time Traveler caught on a Virtual Museum Photo

This photo is courtesy of the Virtual Museum of Canada Website. It was taken in the early 1940s during South Fork Bridge reopening in Gold Bridge, Canada. The event attracted a large attendance but someone in the photo did not belong. He was wearing modern sunglasses, a stamped t-shirt with a great looking sweater and holding a portable camera. Over the years, he has come to be known as the ‘time travelling hipster’.
Image Source:  Virtual Museum of Canada
3. A cell phone in 1928

A short clip taken from The Circus, a Charlie Chaplin’s film, shows an old woman conversing on a cell phone, in 1928. It was not until late in 2010, when this was spotted by George Clark, a filmmaker.
In 1938, another cell phone was spotted. This was on a video showing a crowd exiting the DuPont factory in Massachusetts. A woman can be seen holding a cell phone to her ear. Convinced yet?

4. A trip to Gettysburg by Andrew D. Basiago.

Andrew D. Basiago alleges to have taken part in Project Pegasus, a DARPA’s top-secret operation by the government, in 1970. He claims that a photo was taken during one of his time travelling trips on November 19, 1863, during the Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. He claimed to be the “boy standing in the foreground of the image at center-left, looking to his right.”
Image courtesy: Andrew Basiago(taken from)

5. 1800s compact disc case

A painting from the 1800s shows a man holding what appears to be a fancy CD box. Plastic invention was not until the mid-1800s but Compact Discs started usage in the 1980s. So what kind of box was that on the painting? Another time traveler’s device?
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6. A man who time traveled from his kitchen sink

Swedish man, HÃ¥kan Nordkvist climbed under his sink in 2006 and time traveled to his future in 2042. He met an older version of himself and recorded a video as evidence. They had matching tattoos!
This video however, was reported to have been a viral marketing campaign for an insurance company.

7. Celebrities who have time traveled.

A photo of Jay Z hanging out in Harlem in the year 1939 claims he is a time traveler. Other celebrities believed to have time traveled include Nicholas Cage, John Travolta, Keanu Reeves and Michael Cera.
Do you believe time travel exists? Do you have proof you can report on time travel? Please share.

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Here Are Some Shocking Photos Of People Posing With Alligators In The 1920’S At The Los Angeles Alligator Farm.

Located in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood, Los Angeles, CA, the farm was both a major tourist attraction and an alligator farm from the year 1907 to 1953. It was a popular getaway for the local Angelinos. Admission fee was 25 cents and they got an opportunity to purchase various forms of reptilian trinkets that included rubber alligators.
Image courtesy : Los Angeles Public Library(taken from)
Image courtesy: Los Angeles Public Library(taken from)
The alligators ranged in size at the farm and were segregated according to size in several ponds. Visitors got a bit too close and personal with the alligators which is a bit scary. Despite the fact that alligators are opportunistic hunters who snatch anyone that gets too close to the water, these families let their toddlers wander too close to the reptiles and play with them! Their dogs also played with the fully-grown alligators, despite their unpredictability no matter how tame.
Image courtesy: Los Angeles Public Library(taken from)
Image courtesy: Los Angeles Public Library(taken from)
There was a fence surrounding the entire property, but somehow students managed to use the alligators for fraternity pranks. Pledges were made by the students to steal alligators from the farm.
Image courtesy: Los Angeles Public Library(taken from)
The alligators also managed to get field trips when rain flooded a reservoir nearby. Water would overflow into the farm and the alligators got an opportunity to swim in the Lincoln Park Lake. Others however, ended up in neighbor’s pools and backyards. Noise made by the alligators was another source of annoyance for the neighbors.
Image courtesy: Los Angeles Public Library(taken from)
Some of the alligators starred in movies like the Tarzan films and wrestled actors in stunts. Billy was the most famous among them and was the oldest in the farm. He appeared in numerous films in the years between 1910 and 1940. This was because he could open his jaw reliably when a piece of chicken was dangled above him.
Image courtesy: Los Angeles Public Library(taken from)
The farm eventually shut down when the annual attendance dropped below 50,000 in 1984. All animals were relocated to Florida, on a private estate.
[source:The Los Angeles Public Library ]

Senin, 14 April 2014

The International Space Station Has A 24/7 Live Stream

The International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable satellite launched on October 31 2000. It’s the longest on record for having continued human occupation. It’s an observatory and research laboratory situated in low earth orbit. The crew on board conducts experiments in Physics, Astronomy, biology among other things. The ISS orbits the earth after every 90 minutes and by 2010, it had orbited almost 60,000 times, which accrues to 1.5 billion miles. It’s about the size of a U.S. football field with a weight of over 400,000 kilograms. The ISS can be seen without a telescope some few hours before sunrise or after sunset.
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Astronauts live on the ISS in a shift system and conduct various valuable experiments that can’t be performed on earth. The space station offers them an opportunity to conduct research in zero gravity and out of the atmosphere. It also offers a long term environment for decades of studies to be performed. Experiments carried out cover wide areas of scientific research, including life sciences, space medicine, material sciences, physical sciences, meteorology and space weather.
Live streaming video by UstreamThe Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer mounted on the ISS, for example, is used to search for dark matter evidence and measure the antimatter in cosmic rays. This information helps in the understanding of the universe formation. The scientists at NASA have compared it to the Hubble Telescope.
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Life is inhospitable in space due to factors like absolute zero temperatures, microgravity, intense radiation fields and high vacuum. Some simple life forms, however can survive this environment. They are referred to as extremophiles (‘extreme lovers’ in Greek) and they survive in desiccation- an extremely dry state.

The scientists have also conducted research on the long term effects of space exposure on the human body. They discovered that they vary greatly and have major effects on the body. Data collected as of 2006, on muscular atrophy and bone loss, suggests that astronauts would experience movement problems and a significant risk of fractures, if they landed on a planet after being on a lengthy interplanetary cruise (even if this was a short six months Mars journey).

That is just some of the research being carried out on the ISS. Take a look at the live stream and check out the crew while on duty. In case the stream displays a black/blue screen, then a temporary loss of signal has been experienced and you can always check back later.

Minggu, 13 April 2014

Known As The Most Connected Man In The World Chris Dancy Connects To More Than 300 Devices Daily

Chris Dancy is the most connected man in the world. He has over 700 sensors that record every detail of his existence. The American Software developer’s life is only complete when hundreds of data is fed to him at all times simultaneously.
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He is named the most connected man on earth after spending four years connecting all the devices he adorns to every smart technology in his home. He then went ahead and piped all that data through to a single online platform. He can now search his entire life that he calls 'my inner-net'.

"I started five years ago when I noticed my doctor was having a hard time keeping up with my health records," he told Mashable. "Around the same time, I worried that the work I did on the Internet could be lost if [there's] a service shutdown. In an effort to collect this information, I started looking for ways I could gather data when I didn't have time to write things down."
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Dancy, now travels light with only seven devices on him. He has the unmistakable Google glass headset that records everything he sees. A Memoto narrative camera hangs around his neck and takes a picture after every 30 seconds. A Pebble watch on his wrist sends him alerts from his two smart phones. Around the other wrist is a Fitbit Flex that tracks his sleep patterns and movements 24 hours a day. Then there's a Blue HR heart rate monitor that is strapped to his chest, a BodyMedia fitness tracker that is around his upper arm and a Lumoback posture sensor beneath his waistband that vibrates when he slouches.

He weighs himself using the Aria Wi-Fi scale, uses a Beddit mattress cover to keep track of his sleep and has his dogs tracked through Tagg (it logs in their daily activities).

At his house in Denver, all the data collected from these devices is fed directly into his ambient environment. This then adjusts automatically depending on his needs and moods.

'This data assisted living' according to Dancy has revolutionalised his life. He was able to lose 100 pounds in 18 months. He also lives in a calm and safe state since he knows that every moment of his Iife is being archived.
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"I am most passionate about feedback that is haptic — vibration or subtle environmental changes — such as lighting that changes to suggest the weather is changing," he said. "I do take days off with little to no tracking from wearable’s, but because I have so many systems that automatically track what I'm doing, it's impossible to truly disconnect."

Dancy believes that in a world where most companies are integrating smart technology into products, it will only be a matter of time before people adopt his kind of lifestyle. He, however cautions that in a smart world, people should learn when to share information.

"There are mountains of data in everything we use at home, even when it's not 'smart,'" Dancy said. "By the end of the decade, there will not be a job on earth that hasn't been changed by smart objects, wearable computing or personal information."

Jumat, 11 April 2014

Shocking Before And After Photos Of A Man Who Walked For Nearly 3000 Miles Through China

Christopher Rehage decided to take a photo of himself each day when he started his walk in the fall of 2007. His plan was to walk from Beijing, China to his home in Germany- a distance of five thousand miles. He didn’t make it to go that far, but managed to walk for nearly 3000 miles and grow an impressive beard.

It was not his first long walk. In 2003, Rehage walked from Paris to Germany, his home. This 500-mile walk took him less than a month and inspired him to attempt the five thousand mile walk.

He started his journey on his 26th birthday, November 9, 2007, with a freshly shaved chin and head. By November 13, 2008, his hair and beard had grown to scraggly lengths before he cut it again.

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His photos have him solemn faced and happy at times. He either has a straight face, or is pulling a silly funny face. He is pictured in the snow, in the sun, on the street, on a plane, in a black waterproof coat and all the while, his beard and hair keep growing longer. When he decided to stop his journey, he shaved off his beard and hair.

Rehage says that walking connects him to all the places he visits and that’s why he loves it.

“It makes you own your way. Whenever I walk somewhere, not only do I remember the way, but I also feel like I have a legitimate reason to be there,” he says. “I visit a place by train, and I’m a tourist. I walk to the same place by foot, and the place is suddenly mine. We belong together, and I don’t feel like an alien anymore.
In the end, he walked a total of 2,796 miles -which amounts to 7.5 miles a day. From Beijing, he stopped at ürümqi and after an year of blazing hot deserts, Rehage realized he had grown a very long beard. He claimed that during the walk, his state of mind was like that of any other day.

Sometimes you think. Sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you worry about passports, dangers, pains, relatives and loved ones, and at other times your steps are light and you sing songs in the desert. Sometimes it is boring. And sometimes you feel at peace.”

Rehage didn’t make it to his home in Bad Nenndorf, an issue that poses a lot of questions on his website. People want to know why he stopped short of his plan.
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I wanted to gain back my life. I had to regain control over myself and eliminate the inner boss that was telling me what to do. A lot of people look at the video thinking, ‘I want to be free like that guy!’ But they don’t realize that I was driven by something, and maybe I was losing control over it.”

Maybe he just got worn out after walking 3000 miles and his feet hurt. Who wouldn't?

Kamis, 10 April 2014

Some Of The Most Unique Airports In The World.

1. Princess Juliana International Airport
It’s also known as the Saint Maarten International Airport. Very low-altitude flyover landing approaches are one of its characteristics. This is because one end of its runway is extremely close to the shore and Maho Beach. In fact the planes go right above the people on the beach before they land, it’s scary!
Image courtesy: Lawrence Lansing(original image)
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2. Ibrahim Nasir International Airport

It’s commonly known as Male International airport. It’s located near the capital island of Male on Hulhule Island in the North Male Atoll. the airport is built on its own island and looks like a gigantic aircraft carrier from the sky.
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3. Tenzing-Hillary Airport

It’s also known as Lukla Airport. It’s rated as the most dangerous airport in the world, according to a program on the History Channel, ‘Most Extreme Airports’ in 2010. The airport has one of the steepest runways in the world. Aircrafts have to land uphill and depart downhill. Chances of a successful aborted takeoff or go-around are literally impossible. A 2000’ foot drop into the valley is at the Southwest while the opposite end has a rugged terrain. It’s also famous for being the starting point for any one climbing Mt. Everest.
Image courtesy: Jeremy Broomfield(taken from)

4. Paro Airport

Located 6km from Paro, in a deep valley found on the banks of river Paro Chuu, Paro airport is Bhutan’s only international airport. It’s considered one of the most challenging airports due to the surrounding peaks that are as high as 18,000 ft. As of October 2009, landing at the airport was only certified to eight pilots. Flights are restricted from sunrise to sunset (daylight hours) and can only be done under visual meteorological conditions.
Image courtesy: Douglas J. McLaughlin(taken from)

5. Kansai International Airport

Found in Osaka Bay, Japan, Kansai International Airport is 1.6 miles wide and 2.5 miles long. It’s entirely offshore on a manmade island. The airport is so big that it can be seen from space.
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6. Gibraltar International Airport

The airport has very little space that its runway goes through the busiest road in the district, the Winston Churchill Avenue. The airport serves only flights to and from the UK. To prevent collisions when planes are taking off, gates are closed so that cars don’t cross the runway.
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7. Ice Runway, Antartica

It’s used during the summer Antarctic field season by the US Antarctic Program. This is due to its closeness to the McMurdo station. Its runway can handle giant planes. The annual sea-ice runway gets constructed every start of season and used till the ice begins to break up in early December. Pilots report that the runway is as stable as landing on concrete.
Image courtesy: mcmurdotimes
Image courtesy: George Steinmetz, Corbis, National Geographic

8. Kushok Bakula Rimpochhe Airport

It’s 3,236m above sea level making it one of the highest airports worldwide. Flights can only take off and land in the morning due to mountain winds in the afternoon. Passengers have to be at the airport two hours before departure to provide adequate time for security. Security checks are paramount in this airport due to terrorism problems.
Image courtesy: caffeineAM(fkickr)

9. Courchevel Airport, France

A strip of tarmac, 1,700 ft, that is located 6,000 ft above sea level, serves as the airport. It’s on a slope on the French Alps in the town of Courchevel. The runway rises uphill in a bizarre way then dips dangerously downhill. No instrument approach procedures are available when landing, which makes it very tricky during low clouds and fog. It also appeared on ‘Tomorrow Never Dies’, the James Bond movie.
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10. Agatti Aerodrome, Lakshadweep, India

It’s surrounded by the Indian Ocean and is 4,000 ft long. It’s the only airport in Lakshadweep, India. The short runway presents a lot of danger and proposals to extend it have been made.
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Minggu, 06 April 2014

Can Anyone Ever Imagine The Movement Of A Vehicle Up A Steep Mountain, With Its Ignition Off? Welcome To Magnetic Hill Leh-Ladakh

Ladakh has two districts, Leh and Kargil. It’s a part of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. A Magnetic Hill can be found about 30 km away from Leh town. While at the magnetic hill, you see motor vehicles, moving upwards at a 20 km/ hour speed while the engines are off.
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A billboard has been put up by the local administration to help tourists’ identify the Magnetic Hill. It describes the phenomenon clearly so that you get to enjoy the experience first hand when you reach the hill. It advises you to place your vehicle at a certain spot on the road while the engines are off. You can then notice as the vehicle moves up the hill at a speed of about 20 km/ hour.
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The magnetic powers of the hill do not only affect vehicles, they also affect aircrafts and helicopters. The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) personnel and locals claim that aircrafts and helicopters passing through this area, have to increase flying speed to avoid the hill’s magnetic impact. When the aircraft tries to fly within the magnetic hill radius, it starts to jerk. Due to this, the Indian Force Pilots try to steer as far way from the magnetic hill as possible.
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Explanation of the mystery
The layout of the land surrounding the magnetic hill produces an optical illusion that makes a very slight downhill slope appear to be an uphill slope. This is why, when a car is left with the gears switched off, it appears to be rolling uphill. A variety of such type of hills can be found in different locations around the world.

Though tour guides may try to convince you that the phenomenon is due to supernatural or natural forces, the slope of gravity is an optical illusion. An important factor that contributes to the illusion is a horizon that is mostly or completely obstructed. It’s difficult to judge the slope of a surface if no horizon is available since there will be no reliable reference. This illusion can be compared to the AMES room that makes balls appear to be rolling against gravity.
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This illusion mostly occurs on stretches of road on hilly areas that have the horizon level obscured. Objects that provide visual clues like walls and trees on the true vertical usually appear to lean slightly. As a result, an optical illusion is created that makes objects appear to be rolling uphill, rivers to seem like they are flowing against gravity and a slight downhill look like an uphill slope.
Our inner ears' balance mechanism can also be used to sense which way is up. A horizon that is not level or that can’t be seen can however cause one to be fooled by objects we expect to be vertical but are in reality not. Another reason may be false perspective where objects that are far away appear to be larger or smaller than they really are.
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Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Meet The Two-Legged Dog, Faith, Who Is An Honorary Sergeant In The U.S Army

Faith, is an eleven year old Labrador-chow cross who is a favorite at hospitals and army bases. She is a sight to watch as she ‘marches’ around using her hind legs while clothed in a military jacket.
Faith, Two-Legged Dog
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Jude Stringfellow her owner, says that Faith is an inspiration to the young men. It’s always emotional for her as she watches them respond to Faith. Faith shows that a lot can be achieved even against the odds and she loves when Faith makes the soldiers smile.
Faith, Two-Legged Dog
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Faith was born with one of her front legs missing while the other had to be amputated because it was severely deformed. She got rejected by the mother but Ms. Stringfellow’s son, Reuben, adopted the tiny animal and took great care of it.

Faith, Two-Legged Dog
Image Source:
They carried the puppy for the first few months but eventually coached her and she learned how to walk. They used peanut butter on a spoon as lure. Faith learned how to balance using her hind legs and to jump so as to move forward. The puppy now walks on its own and moves quickly with confidence. He has become quite a sensation appearing regularly on most U.S talk shows and various newspapers. A book is being published about her entitled ‘With a Little Faith’.
Faith, Two-Legged Dog
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Ms Stringfellow runs a website that is devoted to her dog. She receives hundreds of letters and emails from fans each day. Her son’s service in Iraq inspired her decision to take Faith to hospitals with veterans. She gave up her teaching post so as to take Faith around the world. Her aim is to let people realize that one can possess a perfect soul even with out a perfect body.
Faith, Two-Legged Dog
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During these visits, Faith walks around laughing and barking. She is excited to see the veterans.
'There is a lot of crying, pointing and surprise. From those who have lost friends or limbs, there can be silence. Some will shake my hand and thank me; some will pat her on the head. There is a lot of quiet, heartfelt, really deep emotion.’ Ms Stringfellow said.