Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Meditation Could Change Your Brain According To The Neurologists

If you’re still wondering whether to start meditation or not, start immediately because it causes neuroplastic changes to your brains gray matter, which is a good thing.Have you been struggling with “monkey-mind”? Does your brain feel a little restless, unsettled, whimsical, capricious, inconstant, indecisive, uncontrollable, confused or fanciful? Then you need meditation.
Meditation could change your brain according to A Neurologist
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Research by Neuroscientists has shown that mind training and meditation can lead to great neuroplastic changes to your brain’s gray matter. A group of them from Harvard, who were interested in the study of mindful meditation, reported that it only takes eight weeks of meditation for the brain structures to change. In a press release, their study senior, Sara Lazar, Ph.D. stated that,
“Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day.”
While testing this idea, 16 people were enrolled in a mindful-based stress reduction course for a period of eight weeks. The course was supposed to reduce their levels of stress and improve their mindfulness and well-being. The 16 each received 45 minutes audio recordings that contained guided mindfulness exercises. They included yoga, body scan and sitting meditation. They were given instructions to practice on a daily basis at home. In order to integrate mindfulness in daily activities, they were taught how to practice it when walking, eating, taking a shower, washing the dishes and many more. In a day, they spent an average 27 minutes practicing mindfulness.

Their brain Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI scans)
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Their brain Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI scans) were taken just before and immediately after they finished the training. A control group that didn’t undergo the meditation course, also had their MRI’s taken. The group reported that after the course, they noticed significant improvement in their measures of mindfulness. They could now act with awareness and were non-judgmental.

The shocking discovery was that their MRI scans showed that the group that underwent the course, increased the concentration of gray matter within the posterior cingulate cortex, the cerebellum, left hippocampus and the temporo-parietal junction. These brain regions are involved in emotion regulation, learning and memory, perspective taking and sense of self!

It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life. “said Britta Hölzel, the papers lead author.

According to Sarah Lazar, the study “demonstrates that changes in brain structure may underlie some of these reported improvements and that people are not just feeling better because they are spending time relaxing.

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Watch This Amazing Time Lapse View of The Earth As Seen From The International Space Station

Incredible videos have been made with photos from the International Space Station but none is quite like this one.

This is Our Planet” was created by Tomislav Safundžic using photos and videos he took from the Image Science and Analysis Laboratory at the NASA-Johnson Space Center. He is a photography and video enthusiast from Croatia. He pieced together the photos and videos, to produce a wonderful time-lapse video that shows the earth as viewed from the International Space Station. Edited by the XX to “intro”, the video shows a spectacular view of the planet, stars, aurora, thunderstorms, night lighting and some parts of the ISS.

'This Is Our Planet' Video
Image courtesy: NASA-Johnson Space Center
The ISS orbits the earth at approximately 250 miles altitude on average. It travels at 17,500 miles per hour and averages 16 trips in a day. 
Safundžic has many amazing photos on his page and you can check them out. You can also watch “The Journey Home”, a video created by Col. Ron Garan after he spent 178 days in space. It also includes time spent aboard the ISS.

Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Massive 3,200 Year Old Tree That’s Never Until Now, Been Captured In A Single Image

This special tree nicknamed ‘The President’, measures 45,000 cubic feet and stands at 247 feet tall.

In California Sierra Nevada, there is a 3, 200 year old sequoia tree that rises at 247 feet and is nicknamed the President. There are two others with wide trunks but they do not have a large crown like the president’s. When standing forward on the top branches of the tree, one of the scientists looks taller than other climbers.
Massive 3,200 Year Old Tree
Photograph courtesy Michael Nichols(National Geographic)
The sequoia tree measures 45,000 cubic feet, stands at 247feet tall and is estimated to be 3,200 years old. It has a 27 feet wide trunk and its branches (which are mighty) hold 2 billion needles. This is the most any tree has held in the planet. The tree also adds a cubic meter of wood every year, which categorizes him among the world’s fastest growing trees.

The giant Sequoias can only be found on the western slopes of Sierra Nevada, California. The president and other smaller trees make up this home and are above sea level at 5000-8000 ft.

The tree had for many years never been captured in its entirety.  Photographers from the National Geographic worked with a team of scientist to do this. They used a set of levers and pulleys to scale the tree.

They measured different heights of the trunk, limbs, burls and branches. They counted cones and armed with this information, used mathematical models informed by information from other sequoias. The president, as they found out, contains 54,000 cubic feet of bark and wood. The tree according to this team is the largest (if you take into account its width) in the world. 32 days later the team had stitched up 126 separate photos together, to produce a breathtaking portrait of this Sequoia tree.
Massive 3,200 Year Old Tree
Photograph courtesy Michael Nichols(National Geographic)
Chael Nichols, Ngm staff. Mosaic Composed Of 126 ImagesComposting: Ken Geiger, NGM staffClimbing Team: Jim Campbell Spickler, Giacomo Renzullo, Cameron Williams, Nolan BowmanTechnical team: Nathan Williamson; Marty Reed, Humboldt State University (HSU)
Order Large Format Prints at:

The president amazed the team. It’s a historical tree that has seen generations come and go while it still stands tall and growing. It’s been through storms, heavy rains, heavy snows, enduring cold, lightning strikes -but it’s still growing faster than ever.

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Close Your Eyes And Listen To This Mindblowing 3D Sound Haircut!

To get the best out of the haircut, you will need headphones. It’s also better if your eyes are closed shut. It’s incredible and a little creepy!

When listening to it, it feels like you are seated in a barber’s chair. The barber moves around while clipping your hair away. The illusion is a demonstration of our capability to locate sounds in space. We do this by comparing inputs to both our ears, then from there we work out the direction sound is coming from.

Haircut In 3D Sound At The Virtual Barber Shop
Tip: Use stereo headphones for the best experience.
Don't forget to share it with your friends!

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

8 Beers You Should Not Be Drinking

We chose what to eat very carefully but we rarely give the same attention to what we drink in terms of our health. By law, foods and nonalcoholic drinks should have their ingredients listed and the FDA monitors this. Beer however, belongs in neither category and the alcohol industry has been lobbying for years against labeling ingredients on the beers. Some do it to hide recipes while others do it to hide the harmful ingredients used. 
8 Beers You Should Not Be Drinking

Some of the harmful ingredients found in beer include:
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • GMO Corn Syrup 
  • Propylene Glycol
  • GMO Corn 
  • GMO Sugars 
  • Fish Bladder 
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Caramel Coloring 
  • Natural Flavors 
  • Insect-Based Dyes
  • BPA 
  • Carrageenan
  • And lots more!

The following are beers you should avoid drinking:

1. Newcastle Brown Ale

Newcastle Brown Ale
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It contains caramel coloring. Ammonia is categorized as a carcinogen and is used to make class 3 and four caramel coloring. Alcohol is a carcinogen itself and when drank in moderation, it may decrease cancer developing chances. However, when carcinogens are added they have an opposite effect. They increase cancer development chances.

2. Miller Lite

Miller Lite
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Miller Lite contains corn syrup and GMO corn.

3. Corona Extra

Corona Extra
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It contains Propylene Glycol and GMO Corn Syrup. Although surrounded by controversy, Propylene Glycol is said to cause potential harm to people’s health.

4. Budweiser

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It comprises of GMO corn. In the year 2007, Greenpeace found that experimental GMO rice was being used in Anheuser-Busch beer (Budweiser).

5. Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst Blue Ribbon
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This beer comprises GMO corn syrup and GMO corn.

6. Michelob Ultra

Michelob Ultra
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It’s not so popular but it contains GMO dextrose (genetically modified sweetener).

7. Red Stripe

Red Stripe
Contains GMO corn.

8. Coors Light
Coors Light
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Popular among college students because it’s cheap. It however contains GMO corn syrup.

Alternative healthy beers to drink are organic beers. You can also trust beer imported from Europe since GMOs are banned. American microbrews are also another option but one cannot be so sure since most larger beer making corporations have bought the microbrew beers.

Unpasteurized & Unfiltered Organic GMO-free Beers

  • Wolaver’s – all beers
  • Bison – all beers
  • Fish Brewery Company – Fish Tale Ales
  • Pinkus – all beers
  • Lakefront Brewery – Organic ESB
  • Lamar Street – Whole Foods label (Goose Island brewed)
  • Brooklyn – (organic if ingredients are available)
  • Wychwood – Scarecrow Ale
  • Samuel Smiths – Samuel Smiths Organic Ale
  • Dogfish Head (organic if ingredients available)
Unpasteurized & Unfiltered Non-Organic GMO-free Beers
  • Duck Rabbit – Amber Ale, Brown Ale, Milk Stout, Porter 
  • Sierra Nevada – all choices
  • Shipyard – Summer Brew
  • Dogfish Head- Shelter Pale Ale, Chicory Stout, 60 Minute IPA, 
  • Bridgeport – IPA (Bottle conditioned)
  • North Coast – Blue Star
  • Ayinger – all choices
  • Victory Brewery – Whirlwind 
  • Royal Oak – Pale Ale
  • Weihenstephaner – Hefe Weissbier
  • Fraziskaner – Dunkel Weisse and Hefeweisse
  • Hoegaarden – Belgian Wit
  • Maisel’s – Weisse
Other Healthy Beer Choices to drink
  • Duchy Original Ale Organic 
  • Heineken
  • Amstel Light
  • Steamwhistle
  • Mill Street Brewery
  • Nelson Organic Ale
  • Fuller’s Organic
  • Natureland Organic 
Share with friends and keep them informed! 

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Did You Know That Unhealthy Food Cravings Are A Sign Of Mineral Deficiencies?

We have all had that craving for unhealthy foods, like chocolate or salty snacks, but on eating them, the craving does not end. So, what message is our body sending us?

Cravings for unhealthy foods are very intense. Our bodies demand to have them and we so willingly and happily oblige. We crave for chocolates, refined carbs, donuts or sweets but after we eat, the craving does not end. Are our bodies trying to play jokes or what?
Unhealthy Food Cravings Are A Sign Of Mineral Deficiencies
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Well, science has discovered that these cravings are an indication that our bodies need certain minerals. They can easily be found in unhealthy foods but are more helpful if gotten from whole foods. The cravings are bound to end once we take the minerals from natural sources, where the nutrients have been optimized for superior absorption.

Chocolate: magnesium

Lack of magnesium causes chocolate cravings. Recent statistics show that up to 80 percent of Americans lack this essential macro mineral, needed for more than 300 body biochemical reactions. This includes reactions that are related to relaxation. “Relaxation Mineral” is the nickname for Magnesium since its deficiency symptoms include irritability, anxiety, high blood pressure and insomnia.

This is why after taking a bar of chocolate, you temporarily feel better. Cacao content in the chocolate provides small amounts of magnesium that relaxes. Healthier choices would include seeds, nuts, dark leafy greens, blackstrap molasses and beans. They will get rid of the chocolate craving.

Sugary foods: carbon, chromium, sulfur, carbon and/or tryptophan.

High sugar foods (in the West) are the second commonly reported craving. This craving is the most complex since not less than five deficiencies could be causing it. They include: phosphorous that helps in the production of energy, carbon an element used to make sugar, Sulfur that aids in getting rid of toxins and chromium that helps in regulating blood sugar levels. Including foods like Broccoli, calves liver, fresh fruits, poultry, vegetables and legumes could reduce these cravings.

Refined carbohydrates: nitrogen

Cravings for bread and pasta (refined carbs), denotes nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen compounds are essential components of proteins and nucleic acids. A deficiency in this could result to malnutrition caused by a related protein deficiency. It would help if you included nitrogen-rich foods in your diet. Fruits and Vegetables are rich in this although most organic or non-organic foods contain nitrogen.

Coffee and tea: A deficiency for phosphorous, sulfur, Iron and/or NaC1 (salt)

Eat foods like chicken, fish, dairy, nuts, legumes, egg yolks, muscle protein, garlic, onion, sea salt, meat, seaweed, black cherries and greens.

Oily and fatty foods craving: This signals a calcium deficiency. 

Include cheese, raw milk, broccoli and turnip greens in your diet.

Ice cravings: you have an iron deficiency. 

Eat foods like meat, leafy greens, sea vegetables and blackstrap molasses that are rich in iron.

Salty foods: You have a silicon and/or chloride deficiency.

 Include nuts, fish and seeds in your diet.

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Here Are Some Pictures Of The Exotic Looking House Of A Mexican Drug Lord After It Was Raided

These are astounding pictures of Mexican Drug Lord, After Being Raided. Inside the house, the authorities found a collection of guns that would not be a match for any museum in the world. Some were made of solid gold while others were Titanium. Most of them were not meant for firing and were just objects of art. One matched pair of guns was found with a golden Virgin Mary on the handle inscribed ‘Go and Kill in the name of the Lord my son. There was also ample ammo available, just in case any trouble started.
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Go and kill in the name of the Lord my son was etched!  There was a matched pair of these found.
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Money found in the house was packed in every corner of the house including wardrobes, plastic bins and suitcases. It was a total of 22 billion dollars in cash when counted. Most of it was in US Dollars, some in Mexican pesos, Euros, Chinese Yen and Hong Kong dollars. They also found a mountain of jewels that was of unknown value, 1 lab of unknown value in construction and 7 vehicles.
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Apart from the cash, the authorities found a man made cave that had a built in hot tub in the house and a backyard pool. The drug Lord also kept some exotic animals that were being taken care of in a grand way. Strangely enough he also kept a total of 8 lions on the property. A rare type of tiger was also found and some pumas. He also had a collection of exotic art that was either illegally owned or stolen.
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The money found could have been enough to cater for 12 years health insurance of men, women and children in the USA. It’s believed that another 27 houses like this one are available in Mexico alone. If you calculate others in other countries that are available due to illicit drug trade, then the number increases. These drug dealers make so much money- It could buy some cops, the best politicians, judges and anyone who would help them with their deals. This is one of the reasons why it’s so hard to fight the drug problem.

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Watch This 'Buddhist Monks' Break Dance In Honor Of Beastie Boys On MCA Day

The 'monks' were raising awareness on the MCA Day, an event that pays tribute to Beastie Boy Adam Yaunch.

MCA Day is celebrated annually ever since Adam Yauch, a Beastie Boy member, died on May 4th 2012. He died at 47 years of age after a long battle with salivary gland cancer. Beastie Boys fans pay their favorite rapper respect using awesome performances worldwide. Popularly known as MCA, Adam Yauch fought for the independence of Tibetan and was a devout Buddhist.
Image courtesy: KNARF
He had been practicing Buddhism since 1994 and hosted many Tibetan Freedom concerts in support of Tibetan Independence and to help spread messages of nonviolence. When asked why he was drawn to Buddhism, Yauch explained in an interview with Tricycle Magazine in 1994:
"The feeling I get from the rinpoches and His Holiness [the Dalai Lama] and Tibetan people in general. The people that I've met are really centered in the heart; they're coming from a real clear, compassionate place. And most of the teachings that I've read about almost seem set up to distract the other side of your brain in order to give your heart center a chance to open up. In terms of what I understand, Buddhism is like a manual to achieve enlightenment."
At the Littlefield Performance and Art Space, Brooklyn, a group of 'monks' amazed onlookers with an incredible break dance. They awed everyone in attendance as they jigged to 'Ch-Check it out' by Beastie Boys.

KNARF, a New York advertising firm, filmed and produced the online video at Union Square. In making the video, they meant to promote MCA Day and honor Yauch, a fallen member of the popular band. Frank Anselmo is the creative director who worked on the video. He and his crew planned the stunts for six months.

Anselmo auditioned several break dancers and finally settled on four that were willing to have their heads shaved. They also ordered identical robes similar to those the Dalai Lama wore. 

The four 'monks' Jason Ng, Franklin Chen, Stephen Pyo and Erich Reyes started their performance by entering Union Square with their hands in prayer like motion, dressed in robes. There is the sound of chants and bells as the four men move towards a white and black mat that has a logo in the center promoting MCA Day.

Once they are all in place, the four bow their heads as the sound of bells and chants continue. The Beastie Boys song 'Ch-Check it out' starts playing suddenly and the ?monks? break into dance.

The performance was fitting for the occasion and incredible! Watch it and give your verdict.


Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

There Is A 1300 Years Old Ancient City Under A Lake In China Where Time Travel Is Believed Possible.

Lion city still retains its stable position even after being submerged under Lake Qiandao since 1959.

In February 2013, exquisite pictures were published by the Chinese National Geographic Magazine showing Shicheng City (Lion City). The city is nearly 1339 years of age and located in Zhejiang Province, East China. In 1959, the city was submerged under Lake Qiandao so that the Xin’an River Hydropower Station could be constructed.
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The city was named ‘time capsule’ by international archeologists. It has been able to maintain its stable condition since it’s shielded from erosion by rain, wind and sun. This makes it a virtual time vessel. As seen from the pictures, shicheng city walls, stairs, ancient houses, wooden beams and memorial arches are still in the same condition they were a thousand years ago.
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The city was named after Wu Shi Mountain (Five Lion Mountain) and was at one time the center of economics, politics and culture of the Sui’an County. Sui’an county history writes that there was a total of 265 arches submerged under the Qiandao lake. Some of this have the fine Jie Xiao Memorial Arch carvings still preserved.
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The restored map of the city shows five gates in all directions. Each of the city gates has a city gate tower and every corner of the Lion city is connected by six streets. Stone roads that are typical in this city have been tidily paved with pebbles and flagstones.
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Archaeologists who rediscovered Shicheng (Lion City) dubbed it as “Atlantis rediscovered’. The city location is now about 26-40 meters (85 -131 feet) beneath Qiandao Lake. The valley had to be submerged in water so that a dam could be constructed. Scattered around the lake are some large and small islands that are man-made. Shicheng city is approximately 62 football fields in size.
There is a chain of over 1,078 man-made large islands and a few thousand smaller ones at Qiandao Lake.
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According to Our World, “It was decided to make an underwater city accessible to tourists. Special submarine height of 3.8 meters and a length of 23 meters with a capacity of 48 passengers, was built over six million U.S. dollars to bring everyone in the underwater kingdom, but it was unsuccessful”
A restoration picture of Shicheng city in east China's Zhejiang Province.
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According to WikipediaBig Blue dive operator based in Shanghai, runs weekend trips twice a month throughout the year to the city and has started to uncover parts of the lost city.”

Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

In 1959 there were 9 Russian Mountain Hikers found dead. Their skulls were crushed and one of them was missing his tongue, yet all their clothes were highly radioactive.

The Dyatlov Pass Incident is a rare and eerie mystery in Russian history. Nine experienced hikers died on the mountain of inexplicable causes.

It’s a story that has seen so much speculation as to what could have killed nine young students on holiday, skiing in the Ural Mountains, Russia. They never returned and when their bodies were found days later, five of them had been frozen to death and four more had mysterious injuries. One had a missing tongue while another had a smashed head. They all seemed to have fled in terror in the middle of the night from their camp. They left behind their food, skis and warm coats and ran towards a thick forest down a snowy slope. Here, their survival chances were minimal with temperatures of around -30°C (-22° F). Investigators on the case termed the cause of death as “a compelling unknown force”. They filed the case as top secret and closed it.
Smiling before disaster: (Left to right) Nicolai Thibeaux-Brignolle, Luda Dubinina, Semyon Zolotarev and Zina Kolmogorova
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If I had a chance to ask God just one question, it would be: ‘What really happ¬ened to my friends that night?’”, says the only survivor of this expedition, Yury Yudin. He had turned back due to illness a few days into the expendition. What happened to his friends remains a painful mystery to him.

Yudin and his friends started the journey on 23rd January 1959. Ortoten Mountain was their destination, in the Northern Urals. Yuri and eight of his friends were students in Ekaterinburg, at the Ural Polytechnic Institute located in Sverdlovsk. They were led by Igor Dyatlov (23), an expert in mountaineering, cross-country and skiing.

The group consisted of Dyatlov, Yudin, Georgy Krivonischenko (24), Zina Kolmogorova (22), Yury Doroshenko (24), Rustem Slobodin (23), Ludmila Dubinina (21), Alexander Kolevatov (25) Nicolas Thibeaux-Brignollel (24) and Alexander (37) who was the only non-student.

The students travelled by train, road and on foot to get to their destination. Yudin became ill on the way and turned back and that was the last time he ever saw his friends alive. The rest of the journey was documented in the diaries and photos they left at their final camp.

The group skied across uninhabited areas, frozen lakes and arrived at river Auspia where they set up base. Here they left food and equipment for their return journey. From here on, they began climbing towards Otorten. They got lost form here, probably due to bad weather and ended up on the slopes of mountain Kholat Syakhl, at 3, 600ft height. They pitched tent for the night. Their diaries, photos and the Evening Otorten (a newspaper they produced), show them in good spirits at this point.

A rescue team was sent when the students failed to return home. The volunteers found the camp, but it was half torn and covered with snow. All their belongings were there, but the tent was cut open from the inside, and had slashes that were big enough to get through. They found footprints that matched the students.

The first two bodies (Yury Doroshenko and Georgy Krivonischenko) were found one and a half kilometers from the tent. They were dressed in their underclothes and barefoot under a pine tree near the edge of the forest. Their hands appeared burned and charred remains of what appeared to have been a fire nearby. 300m further, they found Dyatlov’s body lying on his back, clutching a branch in one hand and facing the camp’s direction. 180m further towards the tent, they found Rustem Slobodin while Zina Kolmogorova lay 150m from him. They appeared to have been trying to crawl back to the tent. Cause of death according to doctors for the five was hypothermia. Slobodin had a fractured skull, but this was not the cause of death.
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Two months later, the other four skiers were found. Their bodies were buried under 4m of snow in a forest ravine that was 250ft away from the location of the first bodies. The deaths of Nicolas Thibeaux-Brignollel, Alexander Kolevatov, Ludmila Dubinina and Alexander Zolotaryov looked traumatic. The skull of Thibeaux-Brignollel had been crushed while Zolotaryov and Dubunina had several broken ribs. No external wounds were found on the bodies however. Strangely though, bits of clothing they wore contained higher than normal levels of radiation.

Some anomalies after postmortem were that some were fully clothed while others were nearly naked. Dubinina’s body was also missing her eyes and tongue. The investigation was closed by the end of that month and files kept in a secret archive. Adventurous and skiers were barred from the area for three years after this incident.

Half a century later and the deaths of these students are still a mystery. What was the “unknown force”? Was there a cover up? Why did the students leave their tent? How and why was the second group buried in the snow?

Different theories have come up including an attack from a hostile tribe or criminals, aliens, snowmen and secret military technology. They have however been discounted since no other footsteps except those from the students were found. Others have suggested an attack from bears but animal tracks were not found either. An avalanche too, but no snow was found pouring over the tent. Others have suggested being caught up in a bizarre military accident but no experimental weapons were found at the site.

We probably will never know what happened on those mountains and the mystery on the Mountain of the Dead will still go on unresolved and as intriguing as ever.
[source: wikipedia]

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Here's A Simple Brain Teaser That Will Blow Your Mind

Try this Brain Teaser!Read this through just once and see the outcome. Stop thinking for just a few minutes and relax. Now start reading and answer the following question Silently In your mind. You don’t need any aids to help you get through because this is very simple. It’s a very interesting Brain Teaser and you will see why.

i am not sure about that 98% part, but i literally thought of red color wrench, which blew my mind and i think It works for some and but not everyone!
Don't forget to share with your friends!

Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

This Video Will Change How You Feel About The McDonalds French Fries- You May Never Eat Them Again!

The video shows why McDonald Fries are addictive just like drugs and extremely harmful.

Michael Pollan, an Author, journalist food activist and journalism professor at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism did this research. His research focuses on the industrial food chain.

He emphasizes on the importance of cooking to improve family health and build communities. Cooking is simple and an important step that can help fix the broken food system we are experiencing now. It could also hopefully or most importantly break the growing dependence we have on corporations.

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According to this video, he shows us how McDonald’s insists on the Russet Burbank potatoes for its fries. This type of potato is found in America and is unusually long but difficult to grow. The potatoes they purchase should have no blemishes and this is difficult for the farmers since potatoes commonly suffer from Net Necrosis, a disease that causes unwanted lines and spots on the potatoes.

Farmers therefore use methamidophos (Monitor), a pesticide “that is so toxic that the farmers who grow these potatoes in Idaho won't venture outside and into their fields for five days after they spray.”

When the potatoes are ready for harvest, McDonald’s put them in giant atmospheric controlled sheds that are the size of football stadiums. This is because the potatoes are not edible for about six weeks. “They have to off gas all the chemicals in them.”

After watching this video, you may never eat at McDonalds again and it may not be a bad thing.
Studies have shown how pesticides, GMOs and other factors surrounding us daily are harmful to our health. Cancer rates are also on the rise due to the same factors. We have to make better choices with our lives and making connections from what is presented to us is a huge step towards this.

May be it’s time we questioned why fast foods are so addictive and extremely harmful just like drugs.